Complete discovery and profiling of enterprise unstructured data
Fálaina’s DACM discovers and profiles unstructured data that resides in Microsoft Windows File Servers, Microsoft SharePoint Servers and other file shares in the cloud. This is the first step an organisation should take to understand their unstructured data. As part of this, all unstructured data such as folders and files, SharePoint resources, contents and sites along with its attributes such as content/ file type, ageing, created by/ modified by and so on are identified.
Following this discovery, Fálaina’s DACM completes the profiling based on the plug-ins for particular target systems. Profiling includes classifications of asset/ data, who has access to what, last access date/ time and sensitivity of the asset/ contents and finally the data owner.
Data classifications can be automated based on the policies supported by each plug-in. Such policies can be based on name, keywords, location of the contents/files and active users.